Thursday, November 27, 2008

Killing Time

So I find myself lost in the horridness that is Taft Avenue. I know I'm procrastinating a lot of work-related things (I'm needing inspiration, obviously) but can't help reeling from the sad fact that I need to drop out of my class this term. Ugh!!! So many things to do with so little time!

I wanted to visit my cousin nearby but I got scared walking alone in this creepy area. I need randomness and a random survey helps me get that fix.


If you’re being extremely quiet what does it mean?
Certainly there must be some nagging thought occupying my mind. Or simply put, I'm stressed.

If someone hit you, what would you do?
Carefully think if this is a battle ought to be won. Lol.

Have you ever kissed someone and never saw them again?
Yes. Sometimes it’s better that way.

Last time you were confused?
Uhm, just today. Can't decide whether to go to class or not. When I finally decided to go to school, my professor SMSed me that he can't accommodate me anymore. If he just let me know that when I was still confused, it would've been truly helpful!

Rent a movie or go to movies?
Either way is fine by me.

What is wonderful?
Conspiring with the universe and feeling that everything is just right.

What are you doing tonight?
Fix my claims and upload it in our system. It takes a while and I can't seem to be up for it!

What did you do yesterday?
Worked and went home, like a good girl.

Ever kissed someone whose name starts with the letter M?
Of course. “M” is a popular letter for names.

Last person you told a secret to?
Work-wise, it's Aris. Personally, it would have to be Weng. I'm fond of keeping secrets to a close and select few.

Status of you and the person you last sent a text to you?
He's my cousin and currently having some issues.

Favorite song at the moment?
I Love You I Do by Jennifer Hudson

Ever made someone cry?
I try not to do that, but it happens.

Things you’re looking forward to in the next 2 weeks?
Definitely a lot! I think I can cross a lot of things in my bucket list.

Who is your favorite band?
Not a huge band lover but I do like Mr. Big.

Shared a bed with someone else?
Uhm, yeah. Gabe.

What's irritating you right now?
The horridness that is Taft.

Do you enjoy tattoos?
I don't have one so I can't really relate to this.

Where was your default picture taken?
Last December 2007, at my grandpa's house during Christmas Eve.

Have you ever shaved in the kitchen sink?
The hell???

Do you like anyone as of now?

When was the last time you cried?
I get highly emotional when I have a bad case of PMS. So that was just a few weeks back. Although how many days ago I was almost in tears when some shady character stole my phone!

How many keys are on your key chain?
3. For my car and 2 keys for my office drawer from my previous company. Totally forgot to get rid of those!

What do you want to eat?
Right now, nothing. I'm not in the mood.

What are you doing today?
Finding the energy to finish what I really need to finish.


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