Sunday, October 01, 2006

Happy Monthsary!

Ok, time for some cheesiness.

Wish I could say happy monthsary to a new relationship, but sorry to burst the bubble but not yet. Not yet. :) It's been a month since I made a move to a new job and so far, so good. It is work that keeps me going and ties me up with a lot of things. But of course, that did not stop me from taking some time to do some idiosyncracies every now and then. In a way, life is getting better for me and I can only pray that I keep the momentum going. I am happy with the new friends I've made and happier that I am still keeping the friends I have from my first job to my previous one. I don't really surprise myself because I've always been the type who remembers to keep in touch. Heck, I do still go out with my friends from grade school!

They say to whom much is given much is expected. And that holds true in my case, especially when it comes to my deliverables. I welcome the challenge and I feel that this can only make me work harder and achieve more. Recently I had the second wave of wanting to go overseas to work and that is part of my short term plan. Just need to finish the damn MBA and settle the personal life that is but forever complicated and shouting for simplicity. To this and a lot more, I can only say cheers! Here's to a bottle of beer for my first month. Life can only get better.

And when I say better, it means being in that kind of disposition when you put an end to things that are hanging; to the things that are not meant to be. It is but a series of events that could no longer move forward, much less beyond. And this soooo applies to certain things in my life that I can just leave it to fate and to God to work their wonders. From my end, I've done my part and nothing more can be done to say that I didn't do my best. It's more of a question of what else do I have to do that I haven't done yet. I am saying goodbye and see you around twice. Two moments happening simultaneously that you wonder what the hell is wrong with you. Or with him. Whatever it is, the fact remains that decisions have been made and growing old does not allow us to make mistakes anymore. I can only hope and pray that damn, I am doing the right thing.


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