Saturday, October 07, 2006 work

Not that I am in the office, but, yeah I gotta do some work today. On a weekend, yep. Having just finished our business planning yesterday totally justified my stress level for the past few weeks and I'm sure in the weeks to come. It's not even the bad kind of stress because I normally thrive on it, breathing it day in and day out. That's what's keep me going! The $$$ I need to bring in the next few months is just wild --- I need to deliver, I gotta bring this to the next higher level. Pressure 101 at its finest. But to me, it's all good and I do look forward to the challenges happening along the way. After all, work is the ultimate combination of my professional and personal life, with the latter having some aspects that are but non-existing.
In fact, I spent the afternoon buying some stuff for the two high level execs whom we will be accompanying somewhere by next week. I hope they will like our little token because I surely would want to buy myself one but I guess later on na lang. Got some other priorities I need to focus on. I know things are works-in-progress...sooner or later I do hope I can see the fruits of my labor!

Anyway, some pictures from our mid-year planning. The place is great and can be the perfect venue for those people wanting to hibernate from the world. I surely would go there again given the chance.

And you go to this kind of place to talk about work...why not

With Lisa and Jon

Incidentally, can you imagine that Jon is like a spitting image of (drumroll pls) someone from the past? Yep, this is the blast from the past. He seems to be the missing twin of JJ!

Videoke fever with Jon and Marlon


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