Tuesday, July 11, 2006


Damn...it's been what...almost a month? Almost a month of not updating this virtual journal I have created to supposedly keep track of what's happening in my life. Ugh...but the joys of blog surfing just keep me so hooked that I forget to update mine! Hahaha.

I am a better version of myself these days. I feel like the certainty and the clarity I need are around the corner already. At times I can see them lurking around! Pray and keep your fingers crossed...it's been quite sometime that I am learning the ropes of the vicious cycles life can sometimes be made of...

Kinda not uneasy anymore but more of at peace...taking things one at a time and just catching up with whatever life is giving me.



As we have proceeded to change his last name sometime May (in prepartion for his schooling at Zobel), here's his first day in a bigger school.

Yes, I hear you. My boy is a spitting image of his dad. I just had to say it for the nth time. Hahaha.

Sizing up the territory...

Gabe with his best bud Matthew goofing around while on the way home

With Gabe now requiring early morning attention, my body clock has suddenly changed from the anything-goes to the straightforward, routinary mode. His bedtime is strictly at 9pm and I'm happy to note that he's disciplined about it! Even my folks were surprised that he would turn the TV off a few minutes before 9 and even if we jokingly coerce him to stay up and watch Dino Thunder on cable he would profusely refuse. Hahaha...kids like Gabe make me inspired to be disciplined myself! It's quite challenging though if I get home late because of MBA class (and otherwise)...I feel like I'm a ghost when I wake up at 5am! The sleepyhead in me goes about the motherly duties silently while trying to wake up the senses with the help of cigs.



Ventosa, or moxibustion, is the typical tanggal-lamig in Filipino culture. I was hesitant for the longest time as I have an idiosyncracy of not being at ease if it's done at home (Gabe and his playing around makes the whole exercise kinda futile). My mom and my sister are all thumbs up about it, however, I feel that it looks kinda funny!!! Hahahaha. My first moxibustion was done while I was studying for my Finacc midterms --- of all the time!

Here's what it looks like:

Now that pic above doesn't look quite good does it? To me it's seems more like a witchcraft that an anti-stress technique!

Here is me...my first Ventosa session!

I am definitely a stressed woman. Ironically, while doing an exercise that cuts down on stress, here I am studying trying to ace my accounting exams!!! Forgive the OC woman in me. And forgive the fact that my Lolo loves Lily's peanut butter and I had to contend with the peanut butter glasses while doing this session! Hahahaha!


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