Saturday, June 03, 2006

The Consistent and The Constant

Ok. Enough about those fleeting moments. I guess it's high time to give consideration to the people who stay in our lives isn't it? At least those who try.

Probably what my sister told me kinda made me think. Yeah...why not?

Maybe that's why women wait to see if men would actually call you after saying that they would...and maybe that's why relationships are just hard to maintain these days. It's either one of them decides to go or they are just in it for the wrong reasons. But I am in the middle of figuring out why some do stay...and why are they there in the first place...trying to be naive and innocent and unassuming because you never never know if you are going to get hurt all over again! And maybe because I can only know in good time right? Damn the time element!

I just always find myself back to square one. How to go way beyond this...ugh!!! Of course, the Kay-ish in me would always say what the hell --- you gotta do what you gotta do...enjoy what is given to you.

Double ugh!!!


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