Thursday, April 10, 2008

The Little Boy Goes To Heaven

To me, death is inevitable. No matter how much we don't think about it, sooner or later we will have to face the truth that one day we shall bid this world goodbye and move on to the Great Beyond. I guess the question here is the process of transitioning from this steady state we are in to that "death" state --- do we get diagnosed with some incurable illness? Do we die because of old age? Or are we going to figure in an accident? Different routes and all are going to the same destination...and somehow, when you do sit back and ponder on this, you end up thinking that while these are all part of the journey, we do want to say goodbye on a peaceful note. You know --- no unfinished businesses, no regrets, no I-need-to-do-this-before-I-die moments...and that's the reason why we encounter a lot of readings that go something like: 1000 Things You Should Do Before You Die etc etc. So in a way, while we are out here living our lives, we do prepare for our demise one way or another.

But what happens if life ends in an instant? What happens if everything just stopped from where you are and you can't turn back?

My sister told me the story of how life can end in a blink of an eye. Her ex-boyfriend's nephew, a 7 year old boy who shares the same name as my son, and his family went on a vacation to the US just the other week. Immediately after dropping their luggage at the place they're staying, they proceeded for dinner. Somehwere along the way, they figured in a car accident and the poor little boy had to be amputated. The following day, he was declared brain dead and finally early this week, moved on to the Great Beyond.

I think for a mom like myself and who has a 7 year old son, the very thought is just killing me. Super sad...I can just imagine the pain that the whole family is going through. More so, this little boy had to be the one called by our God to join Him in paradise. As they all say, thy will be done.

Such a downer. You can watch the news clip here.


Sunday, April 06, 2008

Survey Says

I've been a silent fan of doing surveys especially way back in 2001 when work wasn't much of a challenge back then. Haha. Cut to present tense, rarely do I get things like this in my inbox --- so seeing one does brighten my day.

Thanks to Val for tagging me on this.

1. Does anyone know your password?
Hmmm...not really. I have a thing for making super complicated passwords.
2. What was the last thing you ordered at McDonalds?
6 piece nuggets.
3. Are you an emotional person?

The cancer in me says....yes!!!
4. Do you like your name?
Only if I want to look like a saint. Haha.
5. Do you believe in love at first sight?

Uhm, not anymore.
6. Ever felt jealous of your friend?

Not really. But it's nice living vicariously through your friend's eyes.
7. What was the last thing you did?

Did some work, sent emails to colleagues. Yes, on a Sunday.
8. Who is next to you?

No one.
9. Who was the last person you ate with?

The whole family at Wacat.
10. What song are you listening to right now?

None. But I do here the sounds of the show Loudette is watching.
11. How is the weather right now?

Superrrrrrr hottttt.
12. Last person you called?

My colleague Adrian because I wanted to check if we are a go for tomorrow's karting session.
13. Who are you thinking right now?

More like what am I thinking of right now. A lot of things --- work, holiday, work, holiday...
14. Last song you sang?
100 Years by Five for Fighting. I love's my song these days.
15. Last time you danced?

Damn, can't remember. Have I been that busy???
18. Last thing you ate?

My guilty pleasure --- potato chips.
19. Been really depressed before?

Ridiculously yes.
20. Faked being sick to miss school?

Yes and it still works up to now! Haha.
21. What time did you wake up today?

Technically? 6AM. Then slept again. Officially? 10AM. Hehe.
22. Current taste?

Salty. I love eating my potato chips especially on a weekend.
23. What are you wearing right now?

Black shorts and some lavander top.
24. Are you too shy to ask anyone out?

I must say that getting old does allow us not to make an issue out of this.
25. What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?

Personality and if their confidence hasn't eaten them up to the point of being cocky. Yes, I do like distinguishing that thin line!
27. Current love?

I love the written word. If I had the time in the world, I would write all day in my planner. And here.
28. What date and day is it today?

610pm, Sunday April 6.
29. Did you go anywhere today?

To Wacat in Quezon City. Back in my usual Sunday routine.
30. What did you do there?

Family gathering. Sniffed for some family gossip too. Haha.
34. Do you call your parents by their first name?
Uhm, no.
35. Are you an only child?

Nope. I have 3 other siblings, the last one probably got stuck in his mental age of 6. He's turning 21 by the way.
36. Where do you go shopping?

In the mall, where everything is fast and accessible!
38. Do you like books?

Yes. I don't get to finish all my readings though.
39. Do you want to get married?

Given the chance, yes.
40. To whom?
Can I just let the world surprise me on this? Haha.


Bikram Yoga

Sunday afternoon musings that is.

It's sooo hot here these days! Summer is definitely here and I gaze in jealousy as I see my neighbors coming back from their beach holiday in Bohol. I want! I want!

Almost a month ago I started doing Bikram Yoga. This, as an attempt to realize what I wanted to do ever since 2008 kicked in (yes, it's the year of turning 30!). I wanted to somehow improve the quality of what I consider to be an unhealthy lifestyle (junk food all week, no vitamins, lack of sleep, fatigue). True enough, Bikram is making me aware of such and I'm just feeling guilty over the past two weeks because my workload prevents me from doing my sessions as much as I can. Initially, I thought I wouldn't like the idea of being in a heated room full of strangers and doing the yoga positions that expose the vulnerable side of you. Think about doing the camel position --- enough said. Fortunately though, I found yoga to be really great --- it's nice to have some quiet time for yourself at the end of a working day, isn't it? The movements do not require you to run (I really don't) yet you sweat so much your shirt would end up looking like it has been soaked in water for a while. That being said, yoga, by far, is the only activity that enables me to be in a would-love-to-destress mode. More like savasnah mode actually, as I never thought you can relax and meditate at the same time...literally thinking about nothing while connecting your body, mind and soul all at once.

But, as with all other things, yoga takes a great deal of effort, patience and time. Up to now, I still cannot do some of the positions due to its complexity (really, how do you bring your forehead to reach your toes without bending your knees???) and I remain undaunted. Perhaps sometime soon that will happen as yoga teaches you to do targeted efforts over a period of time and to celebrate small victories (no matter how mundane). Somehow, you can't help but relate yoga to how you live your life and to reassess the goals you want to achieve. I suppose the patience has rubbed off on me and I see myself letting go of certain issues that I really cannot do anything about.

Namaste :-)


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